In Japan, their school year starts in April, and ends in March. So, this means that over in Japan, their school year is almost coming to an end. The end of a school year means many graduates. There are many graduation ceremonies going on at this time in Japan. Hm, as I recall, students get about one week, or to be more precise, about 11 days of break, then off to school they go again! Whoa! Right? That's not a really long time, or is that we just have a really long summer break? Hm, now there's something to think about. But anyways, there are many students whom withdraw from school when final exams are approaching, and by this I mean, big and extremely important exams that will determine which school you go to next. Hm, let me clarify this a little. In Japan, the high school that you go to, prepares you for college. [They only have 3 high school years: 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. 9th grade is considered middle school. 9th graders, and 12th graders take exams to get into the high school or college that they wish to go to]. So, if your career field was related to arts, then presumably, you would go to a high school that teaches art. Therefore, preparing you for an art college. Did you understand that? Well anyways, there is a lot of studying going on at that time. And F.Y.I., did you know that Japanese paper, like just regular paper, is about an inch longer than our paper?
-Well that will be it for now, it is sleepy time for me. Nights.
-Well that will be it for now, it is sleepy time for me. Nights.